Amaryllis 101
Are you searching for the perfect flower and getting ready for your next planned event or wedding? Sometimes there is no right or wrong flower but a matter preference as to what fits your needs or what fits your personality. The 101 series is a series of articles helping to educate everyone with the contrasts of various flowers. You may want to read the others in this series as well as many other helpful articles.
There are five things to keep in mind with amaryllis:
- Amaryllis or Hippeastrum are tall flowers having thick green stems with two to five large, trumpet-shaped blossoms at the top. Mini amaryllis are basically the same flower, but much shorter and with smaller blossoms.
- Amaryllis Belladonna has pink blossoms and deep brown stems. This variety is fragrant.
- A fresh amaryllis has most of its blossoms closed or just one beginning to open. The buds show great color and size, and the stem feels strong and sturdy. It is normal for the bottom of the stem to curl. This is not an indication of freshness.
- Older amaryllis has most of their flowers open, with the tips beginning to dry out or becoming discolored. The stems feel weak, and older ones may start to crack or break.
- Mostly used in tall bouquets, amaryllis cut down with a few other flowers make a full, impressive, long-lasting arrangement that does not require a lot of flowers.
Here are some facts about amaryllis:
Names – Amaryllis or Hippeastrum, Amaryllis Belladonna or Belladonna Lily,
Varieties – Hippeastrums are available in single and double varieties as well.
Colors – White, pale yellow or green; shades of pink; salmon, red, and burgundy. Some are striped or variegated.
Scent – None, except for the Belladonna variety, which has a mild, sweet fragrance.
Freshness – Most of the blossoms are closed, but show good color and size. Watch for bruises on the tips of the blooms.
Vase Life – Approximately 7 to 10 days or longer
Availability – Amaryllis Hippeastrum is available December through April for cut flowers. The bulbs are available in the fall. The Belladonna variety is available in late August to early October.
Cost – Winter—expensive. Spring—moderately expensive.
Meaning – This dramatic flower symbolizes pride.
Arranging Tip – Amaryllis stand about 24 inches or more. They make an impressive statement alone or mixed in tall arrangements, but can be just as showy cut down for shorter bouquets.
Growing Tip – To force amaryllis bulbs, pick a container only slightly larger than the bulb. Amaryllis bulbs like to be crowded, because they rot easily and a smaller space cuts down excess moisture. Plant the bulb with one-third of its surface exposed. Water once and place in medium to strong light. Do not water again until there is a sign of growth. Then water once a week. When the bulb is finished flowering, continue watering until the stalk and leaves die back, thus nourishing the bulb for the next flowering. Stop watering, place in a cool, dark spot for approximately six months, then start the process again. The older the bulb, the more flower stalks the bulb will produce.
Other – Amaryllis in bud stage opens slowly and turns toward the light. Make sure this flower is in an evenly lit place, or you may need to turn the vase or pot to ensure a well-developed blossom.
Specific varieties of amaryllis you may be interested in:
If you are planning a wedding or social event, you may consider amaryllis. You may also want to check out our wide variety of flowers at Whole Blossoms Wholesale Flowers. Just go to our website at and allow a professional to assist you with all of your wholesale flower needs.