The Meaning of a Rose
When I gaze up at the heaven above,
Sensing warmth and hunger for your love,
Many roses surround your beautiful face,
A feeling of romance envelops this place…
Imagine yourself under the canopy of hundreds of wedding roses and looking around and capturing with your eyes the view of hundreds more wedding flowers decorating the walls of your wedding and reception. With a wedding rose, almost every color will complement each other; the beauty of roses is that they unite the array of colors that only nature can blend together. This miracle of nature will make your wedding appear natural and pleasant to the eyes. The remembrance of a marriage under this imaginary scene becomes real. This is the wonder of having wedding roses. It is also valuable experience. If you study the power of the rose and the way it has been used throughout history, it is evident wedding roses have value that has retained historical references even today. There is no doubt that people like Josephine Bonaparte left many imaginary scenes in the minds of many of her guests, visiting her rose garden. She used roses of various kinds to enhance the visual beauty.
There is nothing as special, as the day of your wedding. Selecting the right kind of flower to enhance your special day is something every woman dreams of since she was a little child. She has imagined the day she would unite herself with her prince to making her dream come true.
Now, I would like you to imagine yourself enshrined in the beautiful array of hundreds of wedding roses. Can you picture yourself walking forward, across thousands of crushed rose petals, looking up at the clear, blue sky and no matter you look your eyes are captivated by every kind of wedding rose possible, 150 species to be exact. You can capture this memory and share it with all of your friends and loved ones. Please allow Whole Blossoms Wholesale Flowers to assist you in planning your beautiful wedding. You may contact us at to order your wholesale flowers at discount prices and make your dream a reality.