Whole Blossoms

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The Alluring Agapanthus

I can see you, my fair bride to be,
A glorious beauty, shining beside the sea,
The agapanthus and your beautiful face,
A gift from nature,
imprinted all over this place…

Picture yourself transcending across the beach with the blue ocean and sky, aligned with settings of the alluring agapanthus wedding flowers. You can almost see the love in your bride’s face, reflected in each flower as radiant beams shine from her face. How can you not be in love with the arrangement of this beautiful wedding flower? As you walk along the sand, holding her hand, you know this moment will last forever. The reason this wholesale flower is so meaningful is because of a few things. First, it comes in heavenly shades of blue and purple, blooming into small clusters of tubular petals. Second, the name itself is derived from the Greek, meaning flower of love. Lastly, this precious plant in esteemed by many South African tribes for its magical powers in fertility. It is also called the lily of the Nile. Continue reading “The Alluring Agapanthus”

Whole Blossoms

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How a Display of Flowers can Change Your Life

When I look into your eyes with love,
I thank my Lord for His grace above,
If I could open my heart, you would surely see,
Collections of flowers, that came to me,
Deep inside is a garden of passion,
Every sort, are a mingle of fashion,
If you could choose a flower a day,
They will always find a place you can stay,
Day after day my love for you grows stronger,
A new flower, growing inside with such power,
I have never experienced so much joy,
Every minute, new hope does it employ,
I give you flowers, as a gift from the sun,
Each one to show you, only you are the one,
Enjoy this paradise of beauty all days,
They stand to love you, giving you praise… Continue reading “How a Display of Flowers can Change Your Life”

Whole Blossoms

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The Meaning of a Rose

When I gaze up at the heaven above,
Sensing warmth and hunger for your love,
Many roses surround your beautiful face,
A feeling of romance envelops this place…

Imagine yourself under the canopy of hundreds of wedding roses and looking around and capturing with your eyes the view of hundreds more wedding flowers decorating the walls of your wedding and reception. With a wedding rose, almost every color will complement each other; the beauty of roses is that they unite the array of colors that only nature can blend together. This miracle of nature will make your wedding appear natural and pleasant to the eyes. The remembrance of a marriage under this imaginary scene becomes real. This is the wonder of having wedding roses. It is also valuable experience. If you study the power of the rose and the way it has been used throughout history, it is evident wedding roses have value that has retained historical references even today. There is no doubt that people like Josephine Bonaparte left many imaginary scenes in the minds of many of her guests, visiting her rose garden. She used roses of various kinds to enhance the visual beauty. Continue reading “The Meaning of a Rose”

Whole Blossoms

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Wedding Flowers selection is one of the complicated processes. Floral arrangement is one of the main aspects of any wedding. Though, it is not an easy task, with a little bit guidance and plenty of selection to choose from, you can reach your goal of decorating the wedding place, with beautiful and lovely flowers. A wide range of flowers are available and you can choose your choice from the available list of flowers with the company www.wholeblossoms.com. Exclusive range of flowers is available for your wedding decorations. To address the exact needs and requirements of the bride they are enough to create required styles and appearance in the wedding event. Continue reading “How to make wedding flowers’ selection”